Audio & Video Hosting & Digital Rights Management
new - pop
- Capitalize on the booming Internet audio and video
market as a CyopHosting & Digital Rights Director
Affiliate. Our program is free to join, it's easy to
sign-up and requires no technical knowledge. Earn up to
75% of the first month service revenue generated from
sales you refer PLUS earn an additional 10% recurring
revenue for the life of the customer! Our 2-tier program
lets you earn even more revenue by referring
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new - pop
-'s affiliate program pays 20% recurring
commissions per new customer for the life of the
account. By far the best web hosting company out there.
Visit this website
new - pop
- 1PlanHost.Com offers a 2 tiered Affiliate Program that
is both profitable and easy to join. By simply linking
to one of the oldest and best Windows web hosting
services on the Internet you can generate significant
revenue in commission payments. Earn $10 for every
visitor that you refer that results in a web hosting
sale and $3 for every sub affiliate sale. 1PlanHost
offers easy to sell 750Mb ASP, ASP.NET and FrontPage
Windows 2003 Hosting with 100% Uptime Guarantee and pays
via PayPal monthly.
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LunarPages Hosting
new - pop
- Affiliate program pays $52 per new customer plus $5
2nd tier. By far the best web hosting company out there,
so the sales just seem to pile up due to their
incredible product. Seems to just sell itself!
Visit this website