999.00 US$ referral fee program within luxury homes
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- Promotion program which pays a $999.00 referral fee
for every user referred from your site who purchases a
Real Estate in South Africa. This type of program would
only suit 'specialist' sites.
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Agents Directory
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- Our affiliate program pays 20% of the sale amount when
a Agent or Realty Company purchases a listing on our
site. Here's the breakdown: Realtor/Agent Featured
listing: You get $20 Realtor/Agent Basic listing: You
get $8 Realty Company Featured Listing:You get $60
Realty Company Basic Listing:You get $40
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Juli Kennedy
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Harbour Home Loans
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- Harbour Home Loans, Australia wide. We pay USD$200 for
every loan that we convert from leads sent by you. We
have been on the online as a mortgage business for 6
years now and know how to convert every possible deal.
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